60. S Gargiulo, I Madan, B Truc, P Usai, K Beeks, V Leccese, GM Vanacore, F. Carbone, Revisiting the excitation of the low-lying Ta isomer in optical laser-generated plasma, Physical Review Letters 133, 132501 (2024)
59. T Bucher, H Nahari, HH Sheinfux, R Ruimy, A Niedermayr, R Dahan, Q Yan, Y Adiv, M Yannai, J Chen, Y Kurman, S T Park, D J Masiel, E Janzen, J H Edgar, F Carbone, G Bartal, S Tsesses, F HL Koppens, G M Vanacore, I Kaminer, Coherently amplified ultrafast imaging in a free-electron interferometer, Nature Photonics 18, 809–815 (2024)
58. B Truc, P Usai, F Pennacchio, G Berruto, R Claude, I Madan, V Sala, T LaGrange, GM Vanacore, S Benhabib, F Carbone, Ultrafast generation of hidden phases via energy-tuned electronic photoexcitation in magnetite, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 121 (26), e2316438121
57. T Bucher, R Ruimy, S Tsesses, R Dahan, G Bartal, GM Vanacore, I. Kaminer, Free-electron Ramsey-type interferometry for enhanced amplitude and phase imaging of nearfields, Science Advances 9 (51), eadi5729 (2023)
56. I Madan, E J. C. Dias, S Gargiulo, F Barantani, M Yannai, G Berruto, T LaGrange, L Piazza, T T. A. Lummen, R Dahan, I Kaminer, G M Vanacore, F. J García de Abajo, F Carbone, Charge dynamics electron microscopy: nanoscale imaging of femtosecond plasma dynamics. ACS nano 17 (4), 3657-3665 (2023).
55. M Yannai, R Dahan, A Gorlach, Y Adiv, K Wang, I Madan, S Gargiulo, F Barantani, E J. C. Dias, G M Vanacore, N Rivera, F Carbone, F. J García de Abajo, I Kaminer, Ultrafast Electron Microscopy of Nanoscale Charge Dynamics in Semiconductors. ACS nano 17 (4), 3645-3656 (2023).
51. A. Konečná, E. Rotunno, V. Grillo, F. J. Garcia de Abajo*, and G. M. Vanacore*, Single-Pixel Imaging in Space and Time with Optically-Modulated Free Electrons. ACS photonics 10 (5), 1463-1472 (2023). (*corresponding authors)
50. E Rotunno, S Gargiulo, GM Vanacore, C Mechel, A Tavabi, RE Dunin Borkowski, F Carbone, I Madan, M Zanfrognini, S Frabboni, T Guner, E Karimi, I Kaminer, V Grillo, One-dimensional ghost imaging with an electron microscope: a route towards ghost imaging with inelastically scattered electrons. ACS Photonics 10 (6), 1708-1715 (2023).
49. J. Hu, Y. Xiang, B. M. Ferrari, E. Scalise, and G. M. Vanacore*, Indirect Exciton–Phonon Dynamics in MoS2 Revealed by Ultrafast Electron Diffraction, Advanced Functional Materials 33 (19), 2206395 (2023) (*corresponding author)
48. E J C Dias, I Madan, S Gargiulo, F Barantani, M Yannai, G M Vanacore, I Kaminer, F Carbone, F J García de Abajo, Generation and control of localized terahertz fields in photoemitted electron plasmas, Nanoscale Advances 5 (14), 3634-3645
47. S Mecca, F Pallini, V Pinchetti, A Erroi, A Fappani, F Rossi, S Mattiello, G M Vanacore, S Brovelli, L Beverina, Multigram-Scale Synthesis of Luminescent Cesium Lead Halide Perovskite Nanobricks for Plastic Scintillators, ACS Applied Nano Materials 6 (11), 9436-9443 (2023)
46. I. Madan, V. Leccese, A. Mazur, F. Barantani, T. La Grange, A. Sapozhnik, S. Gargiulo, E. Rotunno, J.-C. Olaya, I. Kaminer, V. Grillo, F. J. García de Abajo, F. Carbone, and G. M. Vanacore*, Ultrafast Transverse Modulation of Free Electrons by Interaction with Shaped Optical Fields. ACS photonics 9 (10), 3215-3224 (2022). (*corresponding author)
45. M Muhyuddin, D Testa, R Lorenzi, GM Vanacore, F Poli, F Soavi, S Specchia, W Giurlani, M Innocenti, L Rosi, C Santoro, Iron-based electrocatalysts derived from scrap tires for oxygen reduction reaction: Evolution of synthesis-structure-performance relationship in acidic, neutral and alkaline media, Electrochimica Acta 433, 141254 (2022)
44. M Azadmand, S Vichi, FG Cesura, S Bietti, D Chrastina, E Bonera, G M Vanacore, S Tsukamoto, S Sanguinetti, Vapour Liquid Solid Growth Effects on InGaN Epilayers Composition Uniformity in Presence of Metal Droplets, Nanomaterials 12 (21), 3887 (2022)
43. E Colombo, DA Coppini, S Maculan, P Seneci, B Santini, F Testa, L Salvioni, G M Vanacore, M Colombo, D Passarella Folic acid functionalization for targeting self-assembled paclitaxel-based nanoparticles, RSC advances 12 (54), 35484-35493 (2022)
42. GM Vanacore, D Chrastina, E Scalise, L Barbisan, A Ballabio, M Mauceri, F La Via, G Capitani, D Crippa, A Marzegalli, R Bergamaschini, L Miglio, Nanostructured 3C-SiC on Si by a network of (111) platelets: a fully textured film generated by intrinsic growth anisotropy, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 24 (39), 24487-24494 (2022)
41. Y. Han, J. Yu, H. Zhang, F. Xu, K. Peng, X. Zhou, L. Qiao, O. V. Misochko, K. G. Nakamura, G. M. Vanacore*, and J. Hu*, Photoinduced Ultrafast Symmetry Switch in SnSe, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 13, 442–448 (2022). (*corresponding authors)
40. R. Lorenzi, N. V. Golubev, E. S. Ignat’eva, V. N. Sigaev, C. Ferrara, M. Acciarri, G. M. Vanacore, A. Paleari, Defect-assisted photocatalytic activity of glass-embedded gallium oxide nanocrystals, J. Colloid Interface Sci. 608, 2830-2838 (2022).
39. S. Zago, M. Bartoli, M. Muhyuddin, G. M. Vanacore, P. Jagdale, A. Tagliaferro, C. Santoro, S. Specchia, Engineered biochar derived from pyrolyzed waste tea as a carbon support for Fe-N-C electrocatalysts for the oxygen reduction reaction, Electrochimica Acta 412, 140128 (2022).
38. C. Ferrara, A. Gentile, S. Marchionna, I. Quinzeni, M. Fracchia, P. Ghigna, S. Pollastri, C. Ritter, G. M. Vanacore, and R. Ruffo, The Missing Piece: The Structure of the Ti3C2Tx MXene and Its Behavior as Negative Electrode in Sodium Ion Batteries, Nano Lett. 21, 8290–8297 (2021).
37. I. Madan, G. M. Vanacore, G. Berruto, E. Pomarico, F. J. García de Abajo, I. Kaminer, F. Carbone, Longitudinal and transverse modulation of electron wave function with light, and its application to electron microscopy, in 34th International Vacuum Nanoelectronics Conference (IVNC), doi: 10.1109/IVNC52431.2021.9600793 (2021).
36. S. Gargiulo, I. Madan, F. Barantani, G. Berruto, M. Yannai, E. J. C. Dias, R. Dahan, I. Kaminer, G. M. Vanacore, F. Javier Garcıa de Abajo, and F. Carbone, Charge Dynamics Electron Microscopy, in 2021 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO).
35. M. Yannai, R. Dahan, A. Gorlach, N. Rivera, K. Wang, G. M. Vanacore, F. Carbone, J. G. de Abajo, and I. Kaminer, Demonstration of Near-field THz Spectroscopy Using Ultrafast Electron Microscopy, in Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, OSA Technical Digest (Optica Publishing Group, 2021), paper SW2K.4. doi.: 10.1364/CLEO_SI.2021.SW2K.4.
34. G. M. Vanacore, I. Madan & F. Carbone, Spatio-temporal shaping of a free-electron wave function via coherent light–electron interaction, La Rivista del Nuovo Cimento 43, 567–597 (2020)
33. X. Fu, F. Barantani, S. Gargiulo, I. Madan, G. Berruto, T. LaGrange, L. Jin, J. Wu, G. M. Vanacore, F. Carbone & Y. Zhu, Nanoscale-femtosecond dielectric response of Mott insulators captured by two-color near-field ultrafast electron microscopy, Nature Communications 11, 5770 (2020)
32. I. Madan*, G. M. Vanacore*, S. Gargiulo, T. LaGrange, and F. Carbone, The quantum future of microscopy: Wave function engineering of electrons, ions, and nuclei, Appl. Phys. Lett. 116, 230502 (2020). (*authors contributed equally)
31. G. M. Vanacore*, G. Berruto*, I. Madan, E. Pomarico, P. Biagioni, R. J. Lamb, D. McGrouther, O. Reinhardt, I. Kaminer, B. Barwick, H. Larocque, V. Grillo, E. Karimi, F. J. García de Abajo, F. Carbone, Ultrafast generation and control of an electron vortex beam via chiral plasmonic near-fields, Nature Materials 18, 573-579 (2019). (*authors contributed equally)
30. I. Madan*, G. M. Vanacore*, E. Pomarico, G. Berruto, R. J. Lamb, D. McGrouther, TTA Lummen, T. Latychevskaia, F. J. García de Abajo, F. Carbone, Ultrafast holography enabled by quantum interference of ultrashort electrons, Science Advances 5, eaav8358 (2019). (*authors contributed equally)
29. G. M. Vanacore*, I. Madan*, G. Berruto, K. Wang, E. Pomarico, R. J. Lamb, D. McGrouther, I. Kaminer, B. Barwick, F. J. García de Abajo, F. Carbone, Attosecond coherent control of free-electron wave functions using semi-infinite light fields, Nature Communications 9, 2694 (2018). (*authors contributed equally)
28. K. Wang*, G. M. Vanacore*, E. Pomarico, I. Madan, G. Berruto, F. J. García de Abajo, I. Kaminer, and F. Carbone, Photon-Induced Far-Field and Near-Field Electron Microscopy, in Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, OSA Technical Digest (online) (Optical Society of America, 2018), paper STh1N.4. (*authors contributed equally)
27. E. Pomarico, I. Madan, G. Berruto, G. M. Vanacore, K. Wang, I. Kaminer, F. J. García de Abajo, and F. Carbone, meV Resolution in Laser-Assisted Energy-Filtered Transmission Electron Microscopy, ACS Photonics 5, 759-764 (2018).
26. G. Berruto, I. Madan, Y. Murooka, G. M. Vanacore, E. Pomarico, J. Rajeswari, R. Lamb, P. Huang, A. J. Kruchkov, Y. Togawa, T. LaGrange, D. McGrouther, H. M. Rønnow, and F. Carbone, Laser-Induced Skyrmion Writing and Erasing in an Ultrafast Cryo-Lorentz Transmission Electron Microscope, Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 117201 (2018)
25. G. M. Vanacore, J. Hu, W. Liang, S. Bietti, S. Sanguinetti, F. Carbone, and A. H. Zewail, Ultrafast atomic-scale visualization of acoustic phonons generated by optically excited quantum dots, Structural Dynamics 4, 044034 (2017).
24. F. Pennacchio, G. M. Vanacore, G. F. Mancini, M. Oppermann, R. Jayaraman, P. Musumeci, P. Baum, and F. Carbone, Design and implementation of an optimal laser pulse front tilting scheme for ultrafast electron diffraction in reflection geometry with high temporal resolution, Structural Dynamics 4, 044032 (2017).
23. J. Hu, G. M. Vanacore, A. Cepellotti, N. Marzari, and A. H. Zewail, Rippling ultrafast dynamics of suspended 2D monolayers, graphene, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 113, E6555-E6561 (2016). (Highlighted in Nature Review Materials doi:10.1038/natrevmats.2016.90)
22. G. M. Vanacore, A. W. P. Fitzpatrick, and A. H. Zewail, Four-dimensional electron microscopy: ultrafast imaging, diffraction and spectroscopy in materials science and biology, Nano Today 11, 228-249 (2016).
21. J. Hu, G. M. Vanacore, Z. Yang, X. Miao, and A. H. Zewail, Transient structures and possible limits of data recording in phase-change materials, ACS Nano 9, 6728-6737 (2015).
20. G. M. Vanacore, R. van der Veen, and A. H. Zewail, Origin of axial and radial expansions in carbon nanotubes revealed by ultrafast diffraction and spectroscopy, ACS Nano 9, 1721-1729 (2015).
19. A. W. P. Fitzpatrick, G. M. Vanacore, and A. H. Zewail, Nanomechanics and intermolecular forces of amyloid revealed by four-dimensional electron microscopy, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 112, 3380-3385 (2015).
18. M. Chaigneau, G. M. Vanacore, M. Bollani, G. Picardi, A. Tagliaferri, and R. Ossikovski, 20-nm-resolved stress profile in SiGe nano-stripes obtained by tip enhanced Raman spectroscopy, in Handbook on enhanced spectroscopies by Marc Lamy de la Chapelle, Pietro Giuseppe Gucciardi, Nathalie Lidgi-Guigui, Pan Stanford Publishing, July 2015.
17. G. M. Vanacore, G. Nicotra, M. Zani, M. Bollani, E. Bonera, F. Montalenti, G. Capellini, G. Isella, J. Osmond, A. Picco, F. Boioli, and A. Tagliaferri, Delayed plastic relaxation limit in SiGe islands grown by Ge diffusion from a local source, J. Appl. Phys. 117, 104309 (2015)
16. G. M. Vanacore, J. Hu, W. Liang, S. Bietti, S. Sanguinetti, and A. H. Zewail, Diffraction of quantum dot reveals nano-scale ultrafast energy localization, Nano Letters 14, 6148-6154 (2014). (cover article)
15. W. Liang, G. M. Vanacore, and A. H. Zewail, Observing (non)linear lattice dynamics in graphite by ultrafast Kikuchi diffraction, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 111, 5491 (2014). (Highlighted in Nature Physics 10, 332 (2014))
14. G. M. Vanacore, M. Zani, M. Bollani, E. Bonera, G. Nicotra, J. Osmond, G. Capellini, G. Isella and A. Tagliaferri, Monitoring the kinetic evolution of self-assembled SiGe islands grown by Ge surface thermal diffusion from a local source, Nanotechnology 25, 135606 (2014).
13. M. Bollani, S. Bietti, C. Frigeri, D. Chrastina, K. Reyes, P. Smereka, J.M. Millunchick, G. M. Vanacore, M. Burghammer, A. Tagliaferri, S. Sanguinetti, Ordered arrays of embedded Ga nanoparticles on patterned silicon substrates, Nanotechnology 25, 205301 (2014).
12. A. W. P. Fitzpatrick, U. J. Lorenz, G. M. Vanacore, and A. H. Zewail, 4D Cryo-Electron Microscopy of Proteins, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 135, 19123-19126 (2013).
11. G. M. Vanacore, M. Chaigneau, N. Barrett, M. Bollani, F. Boioli, M. Salvalaglio, F. Montalenti, N. Manini, L. Caramella, P. Biagioni, D. Chrastina, G. Isella, O. Renault, M. Zani, R. Sordan, G. Onida, R. Ossikovski, H.-J. Drouhin, and A. Tagliaferri, Hydrostatic strain enhancement in laterally confined SiGe nano-stripes, Phys. Rev. B 88, 115309 (2013).
10. G. M. Vanacore, Strain-induced work function changes in Ge nano-stripes on Si(001) studied by energy- filtered photoelectron emission microscopy, Nuovo Cimento C 35, 49-58 (2012). (invited paper)
09. D. Chrastina*, G. M. Vanacore*, M. Zani, M. Bollani, S. Schöder, M. Burghammer, P. Boye, G. Isella, R. Sordan, and A. Tagliaferri, Patterning-induced strain relief in single lithographic SiGe nanostructures studied by nanobeam x-ray diffraction, Nanotechnology 23, 155702 (2012). (*authors contributed equally)
08. M. Bollani, D. Chrastina, V. Montuori, D. Terziotti, E. Bonera, G. M. Vanacore, A. Tagliaferri, R. Sordan, C. Spinella, G. Nicotra, Homogeneity of Ge-rich nanostructures as characterized by chemical etching and transmission electron microscopy, Nanotechnology 23, 045302 (2012)
07. G. M. Vanacore, M. Zani, M. Bollani, D. Colombo, G. Isella, J. Osmond, R. Sordan, and A. Tagliaferri, Size evolution of ordered SiGe islands grown by surface thermal diffusion on pit-patterned Si(100) surface, Nanoscale Res. Lett. 5, 1921 – 1925 (2010).
06. M. Bollani, E. Bonera, D. Chrastina, A. Fedorov, V. Montuori, A. Picco, A. Tagliaferri, G. M. Vanacore and R. Sordan, Ordered Arrays of SiGe Islands from Low-Energy PECVD, Nanoscale Res. Lett. 5, 1917–1920 (2010).
05. G. M. Vanacore, M. Zani, G. Isella, J. Osmond, M. Bollani, and A. Tagliaferri, Quantitative investigation of the influence of carbon surfactant on Ge surface diffusion and island nucleation on Si(100), Phys. Rev. B 82, 125456 (2010).
04. G. M. Vanacore, L. F. Zagonel, and N. Barrett, Surface enhanced covalency and Madelung potentials in Nb- doped SrTiO3 (100), (110) and (111) single crystals, Surf. Sci. 604, 1674-1683 (2010).
03. A. Pancotti, N. Barrett, L. F. Zagonel, and G. M. Vanacore, Multiple scattering X-Ray photoelectron diffraction study of the SrTiO3(100) surface, J. Appl. Phys. 106, 034104 (2009).
02. A. Broglia, P. Pinacci, A. Radaelli, A. Bottino, G. Capannelli, A. Comite, G. M. Vanacore, M. Zani, Synthesis and characterization of Pd membranes on alumina-modified porous stainless steel supports, Desalination 245, 508-515 (2009).
01. F. Ghezzi, M. Zani, S. Magni, G. M. Vanacore, A. Tagliaferri, Surface and bulk modification of W–La2O3 armor mock-up, J. Nucl. Mater. 393, 522–526 (2009).