Facilities and Instrumentations
In the LUMiNaD laboratory we have built the first Ultrafast-TEM in Italy (and one of just a few in the world), where a femtosecond laser is coupled to a Transmission Electron Microscopy to provide simultaneous high temporal (femtoseconds) and high spatial (nanometers or below) resolutions.
Multipurpose 200 kV JEOL JEM-2100 (HR) TEM with LaB6 electron source.
IDES-UTEM conversion module for JEM 2100 with three optical accesses.
Single-tilt and double-tilt sample holders.
Liquid-He cryogenic sample holder (to be installed).
Electron detection:
Scanning TEM detector for Bright-field and Dark-field imaging.
Detector QUADRO (from DECTRIS): direct electron detector based on hybrid-pixel technology.
3 GHz transverse microwave RF cavity operated in TM-110 mode (from DrX Works).
Optical System:
Amplified Infrared Femtosecond Laser PHAROS (from Light Conversion): pulse duration = 290 fs; wavelength = 1030 nm; maximum output power = 10 W; repetition rate = from single-shot to 600 KHz.
Spatial Light Modulator (HOLOEYE Pluto) based on a liquid crystal display.